Putatan UMNO proposes a resolution to back Bung Moktar to continue as the Sabah UMNO Chief – Jeffrey Nor

KOTA KINABALU: The UMNO Putatan division has proposed a resolution to extend unwavering backing to Bung Moktar Radin, the Kinabatangan Member of Parliament, in his role as the Chief of UMNO Sabah.


According to their leader, Jeffrey Nor Mohamed, this endorsement is crucial, as Bung Moktar has demonstrated unwavering loyalty as a leader during the challenging period that UMNO Sabah encountered in 2018.

He said that during that time, UMNO Sabah witnessed many of its leaders leaving the party, with only three remaining, namely Datuk Bung Moktar Radin, Datuk Raime Unggi, and Datuk Yakub Khan.

“These three individuals have shown their unwavering loyalty to UMNO Sabah. Therefore, the UMNO Putatan division today proposes that Bung Moktar Radin be retained as the Chief of UMNO Sabah to face the Sabah State Election (PRN),” he said here today.

UMNO Supreme Council member Datuk Mega Zulkarnian Omardin officiated the Putatan UMNO Division Meeting here today.

Jeffrey Nor, who is the Sabah UMNO Director, stated that there is no such thing as having two captains on one ship within an organisation, as claimed by external parties.

“If there is a division within the leadership of UMNO Sabah, it will undoubtedly have a negative impact when facing the Sabah State Election.

“Regarding the coalition of parties to face the Sabah State Election, we want every decision to be made with a majority or minority result, so that UMNO Sabah is not betrayed for the third time,” explained Jeffrey Nor.

He emphasised that UMNO Sabah needs to learn from past experiences and prioritise resolving the issues faced by the people, which should be its main agenda.

“The people are suffering due to issues such as water supply, roads, and electricity. Interestingly, even the Putatan area is affected, despite having a minister responsible for these problems,” added Jeffrey.

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