Yayasan Petronas Provides 1,726 Students in Sabah with devices and Internet Access to Enable Online Learning

KOTA KINABALU: Yayasan PETRONAS is distributing devices with data connectivity to 1,726 students in Sabah and 118 in Labuan as part of a nationwide initiative to facilitate better access to online learning.


The RM4.6 million worth of digital devices were distributed through District Education Offices in Beaufort, Kuala Penyu, Papar, Kinabatangan, Labuk & Sugut, Semporna, Lahad Datu, Pitas Ranau, and Tenom as well as the Labuan Education Department from 29 June to 2 July.

This is part of Yayasan PETRONAS’ commitment to CERDIK, a pioneering corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative by government-linked companies (GLCs) and government-linked investment companies (GLICs).

“Through CERDIK, we want to provide equitable access to quality education for students as it is the first step to close the digital gap towards enriching their educational experiences and lives,” said Yayasan PETRONAS Chief Executive Officer Nelly Francis Shariah.

CERDIK aims at supporting lower-income families to better adjust to the new normal of online lessons, e-learning and other forms of remote teaching.

Working in partnership with the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, and Yayasan Hasanah as the Secretariat, as well as other GLC and GLIC partners, Yayasan PETRONAS prioritised schools with students mostly from B40 households.

The devices provided through CERDIK are designed to support the students’ learning requirements for three academic years, and are fitted with data services, maintenance, warranty, and technical support.

Overall, Yayasan PETRONAS is distributing devices to 12,000 students nationwide, worth RM30 million under the CERDIK initiative.

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