What needs to be Done to prevent abuse of animals?

By Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye

KOTA KINABALU: The slack enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act 2015 seems to be the reason for the increase in the number of cases of animal cruelty.

The Department of Veterinary Services (under the Ministry of Agriculture) needs to do more to prevent abuse of animals?

In a recent case, dog catchers in Kulim were seen torturing a whimpering stray dog. A video of the act has gone viral. The worst culprits are the dog catchers engaged by local authorities to remove the strays from the streets.

There were other horrendous cases of animals abused and tortured by humans.

Not long ago, a man was seen using his crash helmet to repeatedly hit a dog, but when the case was reported no action was taken by the relevant law enforcers.

In another incident, municipal workers, again in Kulim, were seen cruelly piercing a stray dog with a pitchfork before euthanizing it.

And in an earlier case, several stray dogs were found dead in Shah Alam. They were believed to have been poisoned.

These are punishable crimes. Offenders can be fined between RM20,000 and RM100,000, and imprisoned up to three years.

So, the law is in place, but why is it not being strictly enforced?

Animals are also part of our planet. They have every right to exist and to be treated decently, whether they have homes or are homeless.

When the authorities go to catch strays, they should only use humane methods that do not inflict unnecessary pain and suffering to the hapless creatures.

Perhaps, the Department of Veterinary Services must first vet the enforcement personnel and only allow those that love animals to catch strays.

These personnel can also work with NGOs like the SPCA Selangor whose members are experienced in handling pets and strays under various conditions.

At this time, let’s also spare a thought for the countless numbers of cats and dogs that have been swept away in the recent floods


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