David Chan urges the state government to implement smart metres

KOTA KINABALU: The chairman of YPNM in Sabah, David Chan, has called on the state government to implement smart metres.


He said it highlights several key points:Convenience: Smart metres provide real-time data on energy consumption, allowing consumers to monitor their usage more effectively and make informed decisions about their energy use.

This convenience helps consumers manage their energy bills better and avoid unexpectedly high charges. Fairness:

“Smart metres can ensure more accurate billing by providing precise and timely data, reducing the likelihood of estimated bills and billing errors,” he said in a statement today.

David said this transparency can build trust between consumers and utility providers. Energy Efficiency:

“By giving consumers detailed insights into their energy consumption patterns, smart metres can encourage more efficient energy use, potentially leading to lower overall consumption and cost savings.

“Environmental Benefits: Reduced energy consumption also means a lower environmental impact, contributing to sustainability efforts,” he added.

He said enhanced grid management: For utility companies, smart metres facilitate better demand management and quicker identification of issues such as outages or faults, improving overall service reliability.

“Implementing smart metres in Sabah would likely involve a significant investment in infrastructure and technology, but the long-term benefits for both consumers and the environment could be substantial.

“The call from a consumer chairman reflects the potential advantages and the growing demand for modernization in utility services,” he said.

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