KDM defers making decisions on political cooperation ahead ‘coffeeshop’ talks of snap state elections

KOTA KINABALU: The Parti Kesejahteraan Demokratik Masyarakat (KDM) Supreme Council meeting on Sunday postponed a decision on political cooperation amidst talks of a possible early state election (PRN).

KDM Information Chief Dr. Oswald Aisat Igau said the party received many offers that needed to be scrutinised in depth.

“This matter will be decided by the party’s supreme council and will be announced later,” he said in a statement today.

Oswald said KDM is now in the unity government bloc at the federal government level.

Therefore, he said the party’s stance is in line with the spirit of a unity government, or Madani government.

“At the Sabah level, we have expressed support for the unity government in line with the Prime Minister’s request,” he said.

However, Oswald said that, until now, KDM is still outside the Sabah state cabinet.

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