Yong: Latest news of Abu Sayyaf member travelling on Malaysian passport proves that Malaysian documents are compromised

KOTA KINABALU: Referring to news in Malaysia and the Philippines of an Abu Sayyaf suspect being detained in Manila travelling using a Malaysian passport from Kuala Lumpur, this proves once again that Malaysian citizenship and travel documents have been seriously compromised both within Malaysia and internationally.


In view of the rampant abuse of the Malaysian MyKad system, it is highly likely that this latest case is only one of many more cases (of terrorists and other illegals bearing Malaysian citizenship and travel documents) that exist.

As such, genuine, law-abiding Malaysians travelling with authentic documents might face more scrutiny when travelling to other countries because of the loss of integrity of Malaysian documents.

As for Sabah, this latest news of a suspected Abu Sayyaf terrorist possessing Malaysian passport proves again that Sabahan Malaysians need the Sabah IC as our own protection against fake MyKads.

Datuk Yong Teck Lee
Ex-Chief Minister, Sabah
SAPP President

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