Wishesland Kota Kinabalu lends a helping hand

KOTA KINABALU: Wishesland Kota Kinabalu delivered food baskets and financial aid to TOLUMIS Care Centre on Wednesday to raise spirits, spread love and provide relief to the underprivileged communities who effected during covid-19 pandemic.


According to organising Chairman of this event Nancy Koh, this donation and their visit to this Care Centre is very meaningful to put into perspective the importance of giving back to society. On this occasion, we also share the opportunity to introduce Wishesland in Sabah.

Wishesland is a non-profit organisation founded on 2 April 2009 by a group of parents as a one-stop centre for children and adults diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. In Malaysia, there are similar organisation in Johor, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Perak and Penang.

According to organising Chairman of this event Nancy Koh, we can see there are very limited access of treatment programmes and rehabilitation facilities available for cerebral palsy children to undergo various recovery programmes in Sabah.

Wishesland Kuching planned to set up a branch in Kota Kinabalu called Wishesland Kota Kinabalu. We would like to transfer our knowledge, skills and rehabilitation programmes to Sabah so that cerebral palsy children in Sabah could be benefited from the proven method of treatments available in Wishesland Kuching.

For more information about Wishesland Kota Kinabalu, please contact Ms. Nancy Koh (013-210 3436), Ms. Chelsie Maximus (016-582 687).

The organising Chairman of this event Nancy Koh also called on the wider community to channel contributions either in the form of financial or food aid to the TOLUMIS Care Centre which is located at Kg Dungang, Tuaran. Who ever wanted to contribute please contact Madam Ching Mee Sapai the Founder and President of TOLUMIS Care Centre at 016-836 9216 for bank detail or other arrangement.p

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