BN Adopts “Modern Politics” In Melaka Election – Salleh

KOTA KINABALU: Former Communications and Multimedia Minister Datuk Seri Dr Salleh Said Keruak opined that politics should change and adapt to the times.


He said this was necessary as voters need a change to the type of politics that suits the people.

Citing the Melaka election as an example, Salleh said the people could see Barisan Nasional (BN) was bringing many changes that reflected modern politics.

“Politics should change and adapt to the times,” he said in his latest Facebook posting.

In this respect, the former Sabah Chief Minister said three basic steps need to be prioritised in moving to modern politics, namely “educate, guide and lead”.

He said “educate” meant teaching voters about the party’s character, values and motivation. He noted that communication and transparency affected public

“Guide means we guide voters on our plans, whether short or long term. Basically, build confidence on why voters should choose us.

“Lead means our act of leading our community at all times. A leader does not wait to be chosen; the leader leads regardless of the outcome.” he added.

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