Time For Politicians To Show the Will To Prevent Prolonged Political Conflict – Salleh

KOTA KINABALU: Former Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Dr Salleh Said Keruak today underlined the need to prevent prolonged political conflict in the country.

He said political ethics demands the people, particularly politicians to put their differences aside and put the national and Rakyat’s interest as the primary concern in this pandemic situation.

“If we are to build political stability, political infighting must stop.
“Our Rakyat are struggling with their life in facing economic and other problems and they need us to put their plight as our main priority and concern,” he said in his latest Facebook posting.

Therefore, Salleh, who is also Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) Backbencher Chairman, opined that there should not be any further prolonged political confict for the sake of the Rakyat.

“For the sake of the Rakyat there should not be any further prolonged political conflict.

“Otherwise, the public will have a negative perception towards politicians. What will we teach our future leaders?” he said.

Touching on the political situation in Melaka, he said: “any attempt to hold a state election should be deemed as a bold act of disrespect towards our efforts against COVID-19 and for the livelihood of Malaysians”.

“Whatever the reason, politics must progress and not regress during this challenging times,” he added.

Salleh said it is up to the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s Administration to decide whether to heed the wishes of Malacca politicians or concentrate on the needs of the Rakyat.

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