Mositun Urges Residents in Limbahau To Register National Vaccination Program

KOTA KINABALU: Community Development Officer for Limbahau Datuk Johnny Mositun urges residents in the constituency to register for the National Vaccination Program as soon as possible.
By doing so they will help in the government’s efforts to achieve herd immunity in the community and stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus, he said.
Mositun disclosed that the UPPM Limbahau office has distributed 10,000 registration forms to the nine sub-districts in Limbahau.
“Since March this year, I and the UPPM Limbahau team have gone to the 40 villages in these nine mukims to brief the villagers about the vaccination program and distribute the registration forms.
“We were accompanied by Papar’s Medical Officer who conducted the briefing to the villagers,” he said when met after presenting some food and drinks to security forces manning the road block at Kampung Mook on Saturday.
Mositun said that so far only 2,679 registration form were returned to the UPPM office and have been submitted to the Papar District Health office for further action.
“Covid-19 cases have been recorded in a few villages in Limbahau, therefore I appeal to villagers here to please adhere with the govenment’s Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) so that we can stem the spread of the virus.
“I also hope that the Health Ministry will be able to send a team to conduct a Outreach Program in Limbahau to reach out to villagers who have yet to register for vaccination,” said Mositun.
He added, “in conjunction with the Kaamatan celebration this weekend, I would like to stress to villagers in Limbahau to please not hold or attend any social gatherings. We all have the responsbility to stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus. By staying home and staying safe we are ensuring that others will be safe too.


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