SESB advises the general public to practise electrical safety tips during floods

KOTA KINABALU: SESB advises the public to immediately inform SESB if residential areas or villages are flooded due to heavy rain in most areas of Sabah so that the electricity supply can be cut off by SESB.


Its Chief Executive Officer, Ir.Ts. Mohd Yaakob Hj. Jaafar, said that the closure of the supply is critical to ensure the safety of the public.

He also informed that SESB is working hard to ensure that the electricity supply that has been cut off in several areas on the West Coast of Sabah affected by flash floods can be restored gradually.

“The restoration of the supply will be carried out gradually depending on access, local conditions, and safety factors,” he said in a statement on Monday.

In the meantime, he advised users to practice several electrical safety guidelines to prevent unwanted incidents from occurring. These include:

  • Avoid using any electrical equipment and ensure that the main switch in the premises is turned off when the premises are flooded;
  • Do not touch equipment, iron poles, or electrical cables submerged in floodwater, even if they are insulated to prevent electric shock;
  • If directed to move, make sure the main switch in the residential premises is turned off.

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