TUARAN: Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor said that the youth needs to be exposed to good values to help nurture balanced individuals in terms of mind and spirituality.
In this regard, he welcomed the organisation of the Pathfinder Camporee program for the first time in Sabah by the Malaysia Union Mission of Seventh-day Adventist (MAUM).
“As the Chief Minister, I am proud to see every individual here who has shown full commitment to develop talents, skills, and positive values through participation in this activity,” he said.
Hajiji made these remarks in his speech at the opening ceremony of the Pathfinder Camporee at Pantai Dantai, about 20 kilometers from the town of Tuaran.
His speech was read by the Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister of Sabah, Datuk Abidin Madingkir.
Also present were the Member of Parliament for Tuaran, Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred Madius Tangau, Pastor Abel Bana, President of MAUM and Pastor Feldinand B. Sawanai, Presiden Sabah Mission of Seventh Day Adventist.
According to Hajiji, leadership is not just about titles or power, but more about the responsibility to serve as an example that inspires others.
In today’s increasingly challenging world, effective leadership is the foundation of success in facing complex challenges, said Hajiji.
Hajiji mentioned that the youth camporee program, aimed at those aged between 10 and 15 years old, has deep-seated goals, including fostering spiritual, intellectual, and social growth among young people.
He said the theme chosen for the special event was “Moving Forward,” urging the people to rise above the challenges brought by the recent Covid-19 crisis and move forward with resilience and determination, both physically and spiritually.
Over 3,000 youths, including those from abroad, participated in the Pathfinder Camp.