Engage in community work initiatives to bring UMNO closer to the hearts of the people – Jeffrey

PUTATAN: UMNO leaders and members at the grassroots level must consistently engage in community work initiatives to foster a stronger connection between UMNO and the people while also enhancing unity within the party.


Putatan UMNO chief Jeffrey Nor Mohamed said that various programmes involving the local community can be implemented, not only to strengthen the spirit of unity but also to deepen the direction and struggle of the party.

“We can organise many events, such as gotong-royong programmes, sports, and so on. Even if they are organised on a small scale, they have a positive impact on our efforts to create a united community,” he said.

He said this after officiating a fishing competition organised by UMNO Tengah Padang Petagas’ district polling centre (PDM) in collaboration with the Anglers Team here recently.

At the same time, Jeffrey, who is also the Sabah UMNO election director, said that the UMNO Putatan Division, in collaboration with PDM Tengah Padang, had also organised a mass circumcision programme aimed at easing the burden of parents sending their children for circumcision at private clinics.

“This programme provides an opportunity for people, especially parents during school holidays, to get free facilities for circumcising their children while also reducing their financial burden to cover the costs of treatment,” he said.

He assured that the programmeme will continue in the future as an annual programmeme of the UMNO Putatan Division.

In the meantime, Jeffrey also urged the UMNO Youth and Puteri wings to organise activities to approach young voters.

He emphasised that 18-year-old voters are an important group that needs attention because they are the largest voting contributors after the implementation of Undi 18 in the recent 15th General Election.

“We (UMNO) need to focus on this group, and our approach should align with their preferences,” he said.

Jeffrey emphasises the importance of accurate information regarding the party’s policies and directions, as well as information on government-provided opportunities that they can participate in, such as educational opportunities, careers, and business opportunities.

According to Jeffrey, providing explanations and accurate information to this group will encourage them to support UMNO/BN.

“With the emergence of social media used by cyber troops from the opposing side at this time, propaganda also poisons the minds of young people, so our efforts, besides using social media to convey information about our party’s policies and struggles, also need to go down to the ground to assist this group face-to-face through various organised programmes,” he said.

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