Bumburing’s return shot in the arm for UPKO



KOTA KINABALU: The reentry of former UPKO deputy president, Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred Bumburing, into the party has provided a significant boost for UPKO, a component party of Pakatan Harapan (PH).

This timely and positive development serves as a valuable “Ang Pau” for UPKO President, Datuk Ewon Benedick, who has consistently called for the return of former leaders and members to the party.

Ewon’s persistence has finally paid off, as Bumburing and his supporters from various areas have decided to rejoin UPKO.

This achievement is even more gratifying as it comes at a crucial time when UPKO is working towards strengthening the party in preparation for the upcoming state elections.

Ewon expressed his pride and happiness in welcoming Datuk Bumburing back to UPKO today.

The charismatic leader is acknowledged for the triumphant rejuvenation of UPKO, transforming it from a party on the brink of extinction to a revitalized entity with a bright and promising future.

According to local political analyst Musli Oli, Ewon’s astute display of political expertise has greatly resonated with the people, particularly in the battle for the 1963 Malaysian Agreement (MA63) and Sabah rights.

“As far as I can see, it is evident that Datuk Ewon, as a federal minister, is making significant efforts to fulfill the needs of Sabah, particularly regarding the issue of receiving 40 percent net revenue from the federal government.

“He embodies the qualities of an ideal leader – approachable, friendly, and firm in advocating for the welfare of the people,” he expressed.

In the meantime, Musli regarded Bumburing’s decision to rejoin UPKO as a shot in the arm for the party.

“This development will strengthen the party’s readiness for the upcoming state election, as UPKO aims to contest a greater number of seats,” he added.

Musli speculated that UPKO might consider fielding Bumburing in the Tamparuli state constituency, depending on the outcome of seat negotiations between GRS and PH once the state legislative assembly is dissolved.

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