Government urged to control ceiling prices of raw materials and essential foods

By Sabah West Coast Smart Consumers Association chairman David Chan


KOTA KINABALU :What is the agenda we are going to talk of Rm 5 foods because many foods seller are claiming they are losing out of business, rental is costly and foods are soaring each day.

I think government should control ceiling prices of raw materials and essential foods.

Those day we go supermarket rm 100 can get almost full trolley. Now nt even half, but to those seller can sacrifice earn less just to help the poor needy that is good.

I think foods store and restoran should not be worried because RM 5.00 are not enforced to all outlet ,There are M40 and T20 still affortable for the luxurious spending , there are willing buyer in our free market.

I think individual initiatives is good at least B40 know ,where to look for cheaper foods ,I don’t M40 ,T20 will willing to q up for the Rm 5 foods

Some people can spend rm 25 a cup of coffee they are happy because can affort willing to pay for comfort environment, if we can’t affort just go for kupi Tiam rm 2.00

We wellcome and thankful for those foods seller contribution to the needy in cheerful atitude , I belive at same time you business will be benefited

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