SANDAKAN: Local folks intending on stop smoking can visit the Sandakan Health Clinic for a “Quit Smoking Consultation”.
Sandakan Health Clinic Advisory Panel chairman Chan Boon Thian said after attending the Implication of Smoking Cigarette and E-cigarette On Health Awareness campaign at two secondary schools here recently.
Chan expressed his gratitude to Sandakan Education Officer, the principals of St Mary’s Secondary School and SMJK Tiong Hua, and respective teachers for their efforts in making the event a success.
“Anyone among the Sandakan community who planned to stop smoking can come to Sandakan Health Clinic Room 15 for smoking cessation tips to help them realise this goal effectively,” Chan added.
Chan said the Sandakan Health Clinic Advisory Panel took the initiative to organise the awareness talk and poster drawing competition in conjunction with Malaysia Health Ministry’s National Stop Smoking programme.
Studies on the smoking prevalence rate indicated 21.3 % of the population or 4.9 million Malaysians from as early as 15-years-old pick up the habit, while for Sabah the rate is 25 % or 729,360 smokers, Chan said.
According to data, cigarette smoking dropped drastically but vaping and e-cigarette recorded a sharp rise especially amongst teenagers, Chan added.
Speakers Dr Kenneth Jackson Singli and Dr Chong Mei San during their respective sessions at St. Mary’s Secondary School and SMJK Tiong Hua, emphasized the health risks of traditional cigarette and also that of E-cigarette and vaping.
Chan said he fully supports the Health Ministry’s Generational End Game Bill and MPOWER strategies to reduce the smoking prevalence in the country.
Present at the awareness talk were Sandakan Health Clinic officer-in-charge Dr. Zaiton Yahaya, organising chairperson Lily Aw, panel committee Thomas Tsang and Chong Thau Kuen.