Shafie’s baseless remarks are contradictory itself – DAP

Press Statement by Tanjong Papat State Assemblyman cum DAP Sabah Chairman Frankie Poon


SANDAKAN I am deeply disappointed and also disgusted by Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal’s baseless remarks to justify his departure from partnership with PH and going solo in the next GE.

It is shocking to witness that he is willing to stoop so low to accusing former allies from DAP and PKR Sabah that were sincere to help and campaign for him at all costs. Shafie’s baseless allegations to gain him cheap publicity is truly a pathetic attempt.

Warisan has now became a Trojan Horse that aims to split votes in the upcoming elections, this would only bring advantage to UMNO and BN.

Furthermore, Shafie’s remarks are inconsistent and contradicting, he himself and Warisan leaders are campaigning that they successfully regained 17 rights from the MA63 for Sabahans. Then, why he decided to allege DAP for not protecting Sabahan’s rights now? The federal and state government both comprised members of Warisan and PH, all achievements and failures are collective, not one party’s.

Shafie’s attempt to mislead the public shows how shameless and desperate he is now. The then Prime Minister was Tun Dr Mahathir, as everyone knows all discussions revolving rights and autonomy of Sabah is discussed between Shafie himself with Tun Mahathir, why is DAP and Guan Eng the ones being blamed for this? Why is Shafie not lambasting Tun Dr Mahathir for not protecting Sabah’s rights?

DAP has been consistently advocating for a united Opposition front to go against BN and PN in the upcoming elections. This is what the people wish to see and supports. However, it is disappointing to see that Shafie is not only now betraying former allies but also going to an extreme extent to attack DAP with slandering statements. Is this not only beneficial to BN and PN?

In Shafie’s logics, he should bear responsibility and apologize to Sabahans for failing to retrieve our entitlement on gas and oil from Tun Dr Mahathir. He was the Chief Minister who engaged in negotiations with the Prime Minister. It is obvious that Shafie is the main leader behind all talks revolving sabah rights. But now he shift all blames to his allies for his own political interest just show how low he is as a leader.

Warisan is now similar to Pejuang and GTA. They are willing to go populist to stay relevant. Warisan is also extremely similar to PAS now, playing the “semua salah DAP” card to gain political mileage. The people will not be easily fooled.

In 2020, DAP Sabah did not gain any additional seats to contest despite there was additional 13 seats in Sabah being established. Initially we were promised 1 to 2 seats but later Shafie then told us to sacrifice and pave way for Warisan, we compromised as we cherished the cooperation and the people wished to see a united Opposition. How could he now blame us that we did not hand out one of our incumbent seats to him? It is ridiculous that he did not only not give allies (DAP) additional seats but still asking for more, truly shameless.

DAP has no interest to continue such meaningless fights with Warisan as the people will judge for themselves. We will continue to strengthen PH and the United Opposition front and also propose constructive alternatives and solutions to address the people’s livelihood issues and concerns.

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