No Complaints Accepted Food Price Increase – David

KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah West Coast Smart Consumers Association (PPBPBS) has not received any complaints about the increase in food and beverage prices at restaurants or food premises in the state.

President, David Chan said, so far the association has not received any complaints on the issue of price increase from consumers. However, it received complaints about the increase in flight ticket prices following the state government’s announcement to allow cross -state movements to begin early next month.

It is hoped that the matter can be given attention by the government and airlines to enable Sabah’s tourism sector to recover after cross -state activities are allowed.

He said as the economic sector was in the process of recovery and dining activities at new restaurants were allowed, all parties needed to be considerate.

He said, during these two years, the people’s life has been too difficult, so traders should not take the opportunity to increase the price of goods just to restore business. To prevent traders from having to raise food and beverage prices, building owners also need to play a role in not raising monthly rental rates. The price increase in the restaurant does not only depend on the price of raw materials instead, it is also closely related to the monthly rent.

Therefore, he said, if the rent is increased, traders will act to increase the price of food and beverages to reduce the rent burden incurred.

“We understand traders want to get money to revive business but, they cannot raise prices when consumers are still affected by the Covid-19 pandemic,” he said.

He added that many shops were closed after the Movement Control Order (PKP) because small traders could not afford the high rental rates and operating costs.


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