Sabah upward mobility

By social activist Remy Majangkim


KOTA KINABALU: Upward mobility refers to advancements in the quality of life within a society, encompassing the capacity to earn higher wages, have access to clean water, maintain good road infrastructure, and receive quality education. It positively affects people in numerous significant ways.

Elected officials have exploited the resources meant to effectively manage our state. Consequently, we are enduring the consequences of their unquenchable desires for wealth at any expense.

The citizens of Sabah are becoming increasingly frustrated with their situations and, most importantly, feeling disheartened across the board.

A former British Member of Parliament, Tony Benn, once stated in an interview that there are two ways to control people: one by frightening them and the second by demoralising them.

A healthy and confident nation is harder to govern. There is an element in people thinking that they do not want people to be healthy, educated, and confident; it is harder to control.

Politicians in Sabah are among the wealthiest individuals in the region, largely due to hush money and their access to multi-million ringgit projects. These politicians have consistently turned a blind eye to the issues facing the people. Ironically, as their term comes to an end, there is a sudden surge of interest in helping the community, albeit through superficial gestures.

As we pause to contemplate the challenges we have faced, we must muster the resilience to advance, not solely for ourselves but for the sake of our children’s future. Together, as a cohesive community, we can uplift one another and strive towards a more promising tomorrow. Let us remain steadfast and welcome the journey that lies ahead.

To our Muslim brothers and sisters, may Allah provide guidance and protection during the holy month of Ramadan.

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