Explain to rakyat how vaccine works – Lee Lam Thye

by Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye


It is always a healthy sign when people debate the pros and cons of any issue.  In that way, we can soon come to a common stand that will bring the maximum benefit to everyone.

This is also true in the case of the current discussion on the pros and cons of taking the Covid-19 vaccine.

The adverse comments, especially in social media, harp on the possible side effects of the vaccine, real or imagined.

But these commentaries fly in the face of the pros.  There are over 200 million vaccine shots that have already been administered worldwide with up to 95 per cent success rate.

This rate compares well with the many other vaccines that people have been taking for various viruses since the first vaccination in 1796—more than 224 years ago.

Without a doubt, to get the full benefits of the vaccination plan, the majority of the people need to be vaccinated.

But if some people are still reluctant, in the face of overwhelming evidence of its effectiveness and safety, it is important that the correct information be provided to them, in a timely manner and with empathy.

There are many ways of doing this: By the testimonies of those who have already received their shots, by statistics of successful vaccinations, and by videos of people sharing their thoughts and experiences.

Along with these ways, the Government must issue regular information on the road to vaccination through all the available channels.  

In this respect, the App Sejahtera is doing a good job of keeping the people informed.
The naysayers keep harping on the risks of Covid-19 vaccination, citing as proof, the fact that the vaccines were available in such a short time and therefore could not have undergone stringent tests.

This is not a valid argument, given the fact that developments in the modern world come at the speed of summer lightning.

It’s the same with new medicines and new technology. If proof is needed, we only have to see how quickly the gig economy has grown in the wake of  MCO.

Aside from the discomfort from the syringe, there have not been any major side effects.

The leaders the world over have led the way.  They have already received their shots without any documented and side effects.  

It’s now everybody else’s turn to do their duty and take the shots, as soon as they are made available. No one is safe until everyone is safe.

Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye
Alliance for Safe Community

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