KENINGAU: The Jelajah Iftar 2025 initiative, coordinated by Kim Teck Cheong Consolidated Berhad (KTC) in collaboration with the Sabah Community Development Leader Unit (UPPM), reached its 12th location today, encompassing the Keningau, Tenom, and Pensiangan parliamentary districts, which include the Tambunan, Bingkor, Liawan, Melalap, Kemabong, Tulid, Sook, and Nabawan state constituencies.
The iftar gathering, held at the Keningau Sports Complex, drew more than 1,000 participants, including members of the asnaf community, single mothers, individuals with disabilities, senior citizens, and flood victims, all of whom received donations to alleviate their challenges as they approach Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
Notable attendees included the Chief Minister of Sabah, Datuk Seri Panglima Hajiji Haji Noor; the Deputy Chief Minister of Sabah and Keningau MP, Datuk Seri Panglima Dr Jeffrey Kitingan; various assembly members; the Director of UPPM Sabah, Datuk Awang Kadin; and the Executive Director of KTC, Datuk Dexter Lau, along with other government officials and community leaders.
Hajiji highlighted that this initiative is a philanthropic tradition organised by UPPM, which hosts iftar events in different areas throughout Sabah.
The initiative aimed at assisting recipients focuses on supporting those in need, with 1,100 individuals currently listed in the eKasih database eligible for government aid.
It was mentioned that individuals categorised as hardcore poor can seek assistance at their local district offices.
In a related note, Jeffrey Kitingan expressed his appreciation to the Chief Minister for participating in the iftar event in Keningau and for the support extended to the asnaf community.
He also thanked the people of Keningau and expressed hope for better weather conditions.
Datuk Dexter Lau conveyed his gratitude for the chance to be alongside the Chief Minister, highlighting the acknowledgement of UPPM and KTC’s contributions to this initiative.
He believes that organising the iftar tour is a commendable effort.
The sponsors of the iftar event in Keningau include Sabah Softwood, Benta Wawasan, Sawit Kinabalu, and Jetama.