The price of flights (RM1,700) from Sabah to KL is expensive; Bung Moktar tells the government to control the prices

KUALA LUMPUR: The issue of flight tickets between Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia, which are considered too expensive, has resurfaced in the Dewan Rakyat.


Kinabatangan Member of Parliament Datuk Seri Panglima Bung Moktar Radin, while participating in the debate session of the Supply Bill 2025 in Parliament yesterday, also touched on the issue and expressed concern over the high cost of flights from Sabah to Peninsular Malaysia, which burdens the people in this state.

According to him, among those affected are those who travel to the peninsula for business purposes and other reasons, including students studying in peninsular Malaysia.

“The price of this flight ticket, when compared, is cheaper for international flights than from Sabah to Peninsular Malaysia,” he said.

According to Bung, who is also the Chairman of Barisan Nasional Sabah, the ticket prices to Singapore and the Philippines are only around RM700 and to Indonesia RM600, but the ticket price to Sabah is RM1,700.

“This price is excessive and burdens the people who frequently travel between Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia,” he said.

Bung Moktar urged the Minister of Transport to address the issue while emphasising the burden borne by the people of Sabah.

“This has not yet entered the festive days such as Aidilfitri, Christmas, and New Year, and the prices might soar even higher than now. This is not a new issue; in fact, I have raised this issue many times in the previous parliamentary sessions,” he said.

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