Gagasan Rakyat Kuamut Division lends a hand to flood victims in Penampang

PENAMANG; Parti Gagasan Rakyat Sabah (Gagasan Rakyat) Kuamut Division participated in the emergency aid mission to the flood victims in the areas badly hit by the disaster around the west coast.


The head of its division, Datuk Masiung Banah, said that his side had established a humanitarian aid secretariat to send an emergency aid mission to victims affected by the floods on July 1–2.

He said the three main wings of the party, namely the Women’s Movement, Youth, and Beliawanis, had been mobilised to send emergency aid to areas affected by floods.

Yesterday evening, the secretariat sent the first donation to the flood victims who were badly affected in the Penampang district.

Masiung explained that the aid delivery of basic goods includes the needs of mothers and babies, food, drinks, disposable clothes, and toiletries.

The Moyog People’s Ideas Flood Aid Collection Centre, led by its Division Head, Datuk Ceasar Mandela Malakun, recorded more than 1000 flood victims receiving emergency aid.

The Vice President of Gagasan, Rakyat Sabah, said that the Kuamut emergency aid secretariat will continue its humanitarian mission in flood-affected areas, including Tamparuli and Kota Belud, as well as other areas affected by flash floods.

Heavy rain continued for two days starting July 1, causing several areas on the west coast, including the state capital, Penampang, Kota Belud, Putatan, and Tempaluri, to be flooded.

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