The primary concern lies in the state government’s inability to reinstate the supply of water

By Former Associate Professor of UMS, Dr. Gaim James Lunkapis


KOTA KINABALU: Demonstrations by students of Universiti Malaysia Sabah indicate a growing dissatisfaction among the younger generation of Malaysians regarding the continuous water supply issue, which not only affects the campus but also the entire state of Sabah.

Student protests are a clear indication of public dissatisfaction and the urgent need for decisive government action to address the issue of adequate water supply in Sabah.

It is important to emphasise that this demonstration is not just about concerns on campus but reflects a broader dissatisfaction throughout the state of Sabah.

Student activism underscores the demand for accountability and transparency from the government in effectively addressing infrastructure weaknesses and natural resource management.

In response to these demonstrations, it is crucial for the government to take a collaborative approach rather than dismissing or politicising the issue.

Collaboration with various stakeholders, including universities and civil society, is critical to formulating sustainable solutions to the water supply crisis in Sabah.

Prompt and effective actions are needed immediately to restore public trust and ensure the well-being of all residents affected by this issue.

Ultimately, the government’s willingness to acknowledge and address these concerns will help build constructive dialogue and achieve real solutions in water management throughout the state of Sabah more effectively.

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