Sabah PH supports the stand taken by the state government on SLS court action

Sabah Pakatan Harapan Media Statement

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah PH being part of the Sabah state government supports the position and stand taken by the Sabah government concerning Sabah Law Society (SLS) court action.

Sabah PH fully understand and respect the decision taken by SLS in bringing Sabah 40% constitutional rights to court in their Judicial Review application. In 2022 Sabah PH had also initiated a court action against the Federal and the Sabah government by way of Originating Summons claiming for Sabah 40% constitutional right to be respected and implemented.

Sabah PH now being part of the federal and state government are determined to ensure for the matter to be resolved through the Implementation Action Council and the Technical Committee (MA 63 Committees) headed by the Prime Minister and the second Deputy Prime Minister respectively.

Sabah PH also view positively with SLS action continues to be heard in court and at the same time the commitment of the federal government to resolved the MA63 matters through the establishment of the MA63 committees with representatives from the Sabah and Sarawak government appointed to these committees. Our approach may differ but our goal remains the same and that is to ensure that the contitutional rights of Sabah in the MA63 is fully respected and implemented.


Sabah PH takes a strong view that the Madani Village Development Committees (JKDM) should not be introduced and implemented in Sabah. Just recently the Sabah State Legislative Assembly had passed an amendment to the Rural Administration Ordinance which now gives the power and autonomy to the Sabah government to appoint and manage the administration of village committees such as the Village Development and Security Committee (JKKK) in Sabah.

Every Sabah PH elected representative supported the amendments to the Rural Administration Ordinance which intention is to give autonomy to the Sabah government to manage its affairs.

We welcome any federal fundings given to Sabah especially for the development and benefit of the rural communities in Sabah. We also believe that such funds should be managed by the Sabah government to give meaning and respect towards Sabah state laws.


We are also aware that there have been numerous reports and speculations as to our coalition partners in facing the coming Sabah state election. However, Pakatan Harapan Sabah has yet to discuss of any understanding or possible alliance(s) to be formed for the coming election.

Nevertheless, Sabah PH remains part of the Sabah government and supports the leadership of the Chief Minister YAB Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Hajiji Haji Noor and seeing that this government reach its full term. What is equally important is that we are committed in focusing on the development and well-being of the people under the Madani government.

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