Don’t politicised Mazu statue issue, study first the real reason why it discontinued — Abd Hakim

KOTA KINABALU: The issue of building a Mazu statue in Kudat should not be politicised by any political party, instead a study should be done to find out the real reason why the project was discontinued about 15 years ago. 

Parti Gagasan Rakyat Rakyat (Gagasan Rakyat) Tungku division chief Datuk Abdul Hakim Ghulam Hassan said the study was very important because although the construction had been stopped for a long time, some parties are now trying to revive it.

He said this study is also necessary for the sake of the unity and harmony of the multi-racial and religious community in Sabah.

“The call for the state government to continue the construction of the Mazu statue seems to put pressure on the state government, when there are many other development needs in Sabah that are more urgent and should be given priority.

“The State Government is currently facing various demands from the people, especially building and improving infrastructure facilities such as roads, water supply, electricity supply and so on.

“If these very important basic facilities are not given attention and priority, then the hope of making Sabah an attractive tourist destination in the region is unlikely to be achieved.

“Thus, better facilities not only make it easier for tourists to visit the Kudat district but also to all tourist destinations in Sabah,” he said in a statement here today.

Abdul Hakim was commenting on the statement by Sabah UMNO Liaison Committee Chairman, Datuk Bung Seri Bung Moktar Radin who had asked the state government to consider giving due consideration and approval to the proposed construction of the Mazu Statue project in Kudat.

Abdul Hakim said there might be reasonable reasons behind the cancellation of the Mazu Statue project.

He explained that the residents of Kudat had expressed concern that “if the construction of the statue continues, it may probably contribute to traffic congestion in Kudat”.

It is understood that the State Government at that time, had proposed an alternative site but the offer did not receive a response.

As such, he said the decision to cancel the proposed project should be respected.

“I am confident that the State Government under the leadership of Chief Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Hajiji Noor could resolve this issue amicably, ” he said.

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