RoS approves UMNO’s constitutional amendment to postpone party elections – Sec-gen

KUALA LUMPUR: The Registrar of Societies (RoS) has approved the application on UMNO’s constitutional amendment with a slight change effective today (July 29), according UMNO secretary-general Datuk Seri Ahmad Maslan.
Ahmad said he received the notification via a letter from RoS this evening.
“RoS agrees with the amendment of UMNO’s constitution so that the party’s election at all levels be held no more than six months after the general election (GE) is held.

RoS also requested that one election should be held in one GE term meaning UMNO’s election for this term will only be held no later than six months after GE15 is held,” he said in a statement uploaded on his Facebook and Twitter sites today.
On behalf of UMNO, Ahmad expressed his thanks to RoS and all parties involved in approving UMNO’s constitutional amendment.
In May, UMNO passed an amendment to the party’s constitution which would enable party elections to be held no more than six months after GE, to give space to members to focus on election work. A notice on the constitutional amendment was submitted to RoS on May 17.
On July 7, RoS was reported to have informed that the decision regarding UMNO’s constitutional amendment application will be known by July 16 at the latest.
UMNO previously postponed its elections at all branch, division and Supreme Council levels for 18 months after the 2018/2021 term ended on June 30 last year.
Based on calculation, the 18-month period will end at the end of this year and the 2021/2023 UMNO elections must be held before Dec 30 2022.

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