Kad Warga Asing — Do not give the impresssion that we are abandoning our own citizen – Pairin

KOTA KINABALU: I wish to refer to a recent statement from a Malaysian Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah, who in his statement said that the Government will provide the undocumented foreigners an identity card in Sabah!

In the present circumstances where Malaysia is facing an upward trend in the number of Covid-19 cases, it is important for government and the country to reduce misunderstandings and misinformation!

What the minister has announced and advocated not only has created fear and uncertainty in Sabah but he seems to be deliberately going against the spirit of our constitution and our immigration laws, but it goes against common sense and, particularly the interest of genuine and law-abiding Malaysian Citizens

We all know how illegal immigrants try hard all the time to enter Malaysia, especially in Sabah and how hard our enforcement authorities try to prevent and, later, had to detain them in temporary camps.

The Sabah Malaysian, of course, have suffered the most ever since the late Tun Mustapha administered the state, and with his personal agenda. The state government since then had tried to get the Federal Government to do the right thing, resulting in the setting up of the RCI (Royal Commision of Inquiry) which clearly revealed many weaknesses in the way our government and enforcement authorities dealth with the presence of illegal immigrants especially in Sabah!

The RCI also revealed the existence of the plan called the Project IC!

Annually, governmnt had to spend at least RM 13 Million to keep illegal under temporary detention before they are deported!

It is to be emphasized here that we have immigrant laws in this country which means no foreign people can enter or can be present in this country without valid immigration papers, especially valid passports! Those caught without valid documents must be deported!

What we need now is strict enforcement of our immigration and other laws, just like the authorities are very strict in enforcing our Covid-19 SOP rules and regulations!

The announcement on the KAD Warga Asing serves only to confuse people, especially in Sabah!

I am glad the Sabah Chief Minister has clarified that there has not been any decisions yet on the subject of Kad Warga Asing, and that he will discuss this matter first with the relevant commitee and Cabinet.

Please do enforce our laws properly and strictly! Do not give the impresssion that we are abandoning our own citizen! The citizens are our responsibility and not to Non-Citizens!

Former Sabah Chief Minister/PBS president Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan

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