By Former Petagas Assemblyman Datuk James Ligunjang
KOTA KINABALU: Many Sabahans are perplexed by the eerie silence from the State Attorney General, who is supposed to be the chief legal adviser for the State Government on all matters relating to constitutional rights and legal issues faced by the State of Sabah. Her complete silence on such an important issue as the State Government’s 40% entitlement has left many questioning her competency to occupy the office of State Attorney General.
As the chief legal officer for the state, she should be at the forefront in advocating for and defending Sabah’s rights as enshrined in the Malaysia Agreement 1963 and the Federal Constitution. Her advocacy is crucial for ensuring that the state’s and people of Sabah interests are protected and that justice is pursued in accordance with the law. The absence of her voice on this critical matter undermines the confidence of the people in her ability to serve effectively in her role.
It should be the role of the State Attorney General to actively engage with and address the legal issues affecting Sabah, providing clear guidance and support to the State Government. Her role is not only to offer legal advice but also to be a vigilant guardian of the state’s legal and constitutional rights. The silence on these pivotal matters raises serious concerns among Sabahans about the effectiveness competency, and dedication of the State Attorney General in fulfilling her responsibilities.
The people of Sabah are waiting for you to offer legal directions!