SEMPORNA: The encounter of two adult orcas and two calves in Sipadan here last month highlighted the importance of the Semporna region for marine mammals and provided valuable data for ongoing cetacean studies including conservation in the area.
Footage of the encounter posted on social media by dive operator Scuba Junkie, showed two adult orcas and two calves swimming to the north of Sipadan with one of the orcas splashing the surface of the water with its tail, or ‘lobtailing’, which is thought to be a communication between orcas, or a warning to stay away.
Society of Marine Mammalogy (SMM) awards committee member Dr Lindsay Porter said for many of the marine mammal species seen in the Semporna region, their use of the area is still unknown.
It may be seasonal, to fulfil critical aspects of lifecycle patterns, for example, a shelter for mothers and young calves – such as the orca last week – or transient, as part of a migration route or larger oceanic passages,” she said in a statement here today.
To date, 21 species of marine mammals have been recorded in Semporna, most of which are oceanic or deep water species.– BERNAMA